Astrology Gallery
Master Psychic

"I met Vivian whilst on holidays with 4 friends from Australia. We randomly drove past her house & had no idea what lay in store for us. We saw her sign in the window, turned the car around & all piled into her welcoming home. Each of us had individual tarot card readings & were amazed by her insight…Vivian read our life stories to the letter.

I have seen many psychics in the past, but never have I been witness to every intricate detail being correct. This was true for my friends also. I went on to have a chakra cleaning & I felt incredible, and still do. Now I'm back in Australia, I still speak with Vivian regularly & each time she surprises me with exciting things my future holds, be it professional or personal. Many of my friends have now heard my story, contacted her & now boast similar experiences. Vivian is now a household name in Australia!

She has helped me immensely in all facets of my life. I cannot thank her enough. I now regard Vivian as a close friend; she has incredible insight, her skills are endless & she is one of the most generous people I know."  -  Annabel, Australia

“I was literally astounded at Vivian’s insight.  She knew so much about my life and feelings, and I found her manner and insights so reassuring.  I look forward to seeing if what she has predicted for me will come true, and wouldn’t hesitate to return to her in the future.  Thank you Vivian!”  -  Victoria, Australia

"Just wanted to comment on how accurate Vivian is in her readings.  It was like she saw everything that has happened in the past."  - Tony

"I came 3 years ago to see Vivian. I had a lot going on in my life at the time. I was off my beaten path. Vivian uplifted me physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Now I have a better understanding of myself, friends, and family. She put me on a path to a better tomorrow. She is great, triumphant, awesome, a real life saver."  - Jeffrey


"I had never been to a psychic before, but had a friend recommend Vivian.  She very quickly picked up everything that was going on in my life and it was amazing how she just knew.  She gave me a lot of advice and made me see things in a different way than I would have if I hadn't of gone to her.  Her guidance has put me at ease and I truly feel like I can sit back and accept what happens next.  I would recommend her to anyone!" - Meg

"Vivian is a REAL psychic!  She knows things past, present and the future!  I was totally amazed by her insight, compassion and genuine spiritual awareness of all things.  She is a  loving person, devoted to her craft.  As a life coach, she tells you how your life CAN be, how your life SHOULD be for you.  Listen to her, follow her directions and guidance, and your life will change toward the true life path, the true course of your destiny.  She has helped me in so many ways; my  self-confidence, the harmony, the peacefulness that she has help restore in my life is beyond my dreams.  I truly believe Vivian has helped me to become a better person.  She is a fantastic, wonderful person.  God Bless you Vivian!"  - Camile

"It is very hard to find a good psychic.  I have looked for a psychic that did not give me a general reading to no avail, until I found Vivian.  As soon as I sat down I knew I had found what I was looking for.  Vivian was amazing.  Her knowledge and insight of the situation at hand was absolutely incredible.  Vivian did not give a general reading that could be applied to anyone, she gave specific details that could only have pertained to my specific situation.  Since that first time, I have seen Vivian several times and I have found Vivian to be warm and caring and truly concerned with my personal situation.  I would highly recommend Vivian to anyone seeking guidance in their life endeavors."  -  Bethany

"I went to Vivian because I had an attachment from a demon.  It was with me all my life, passed down from generation to generation on my father's side of the family.  We had no idea it was with us.  I had gone to another psychic for help but she deserted me when the going got tough, and believe me, it got TOUGH.  I thought it was gone, but it was hiding again, waiting for the right moment to reappear and make my life miserable.

I started to feel uncomfortable about some things and it dawned on me that it might be back so I started looking for help and my friend told me about 'this psychic'.  So when I found her sign I stopped and knocked on the door.  I was invited right in and she asked me what I wanted.  I told her I had a demon attachment and I think she thought I was crazy.  We decided on a reading and she said she would meditate on my demon problem. 

The next time we talked she said I definitely had a demon problem and that she could help me.  She actually guaranteed success -- I thought that was pretty bold.  Then she told me the plan.  Getting rid of demons is not really easy and it's certainly not cheap -- especially since I don't have a real job.  It took a couple of weeks to get everything ready, and as we got closer to the minor exorcism she kept telling me to be careful.  She was adamant about that but that's all she said.  The day we had planned on the minor exorcism things started to fall apart, I was within inches of a car accident in which I know I would have been killed, and then 2 more that day.  I called her and asked if it was trying to kill me. She said yes, it knew we were serious about the exorcism and it was trying everything to kill me before we could get rid of it.  That was a pretty stressful day, and my imagination didn't help at all.

Anyway, I survived the day and she performed a successful minor exorcism.  I couldn't believe it.  It was like a binding was released from my chest and abdomen.  Colors were brighter, the air was sweeter and I even breathed differently.  It was great!  Life is much better now!" - Susan


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